Extra attributes

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Extra attributes

Active Directory One uses the UserParameters attribute to store some proprietary attributes that are not present in Active Directory; these attributes improve and simplify user and group management. By using the userParameters attribute, Active Directory One does not make any changes to the Active Directory schema, while still ensuring that the attribute/user or attribute/group associations match and thus ensure data integrity.


Special attributes are highlighted by an Extra_ or Opt_ prefix before the name and are as follows.


For users


Extra_ou: Contains and stores user's organizational unit in path format e.g. Estesoft\Students\Designers\1B


Extra_InitialPassword: Contains and stores the user's initial password, it is mainly used during user creation so that a custom initial password can be created for each user, using this attribute for example, it is possible after user creation to generate a report for account delivery containing the initial passwords for each user, Active Directory One for security reasons, cannot keep track of changes to passwords after account creation, so the value contained in Extra_InitialPassword may not be synchronized with the user's current password if it is changed without using the application. When storing information of users already in Active Directory the passwords in the Extra_InitialPassword attribute are not stored unless explicitly indicated with a specific storage option, this can be useful for example when a password reset is needed.


Extra_Managers: Contains the groups that have access to the user's resources in the file system, it is used in the management of User Data Folders. For example, in a school, students in a class might have their teachers as "group managers" who, in this way can access their students' folders in the file system.


The following attributes are Boolean values that allow you to manage user account options in the main application grid. These options are the same as in the user interface of Active Directory Users And Computers
















For groups


Extra_ou: Contains and stores the organizational unit of the group in path format e.g. Estesoft\Groups

Extra_groupType_Scope: is the scope of the group which can be one of the Active Directory types: Local Domain, Global, Universal

Extra_groupType_Security: is the group type which can be one of the Active Directory types: Security, Distribution


See also: UserParameters Attribute - Stores in Active Directory - Data folder - Main grid editing