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The project allows the editing of entities (groups or users), these may already exist in Active Directory, or they may be yet to be stored, if the entities are already present in AD the project highlights the differences between the values being edited and the current AD values, at any time it is possible to synchronize the editing values with those obtained from the AD database or vice versa by going through an automatic validation process. As for items not yet present in AD, these can be stored at any time in Active Directory: again, a validation must be passed before storing.

Key attribute and key project entity

When creating a project, you are asked for the template from which to inherit the settings and the group or organizational unit you want to manage. After creation, the project displays and manages only the users or groups contained in the group or organizational unit chosen during creation. After the project has been created, the "key" entity consisting of the target group or OU can no longer be changed.

If an organizational unit was chosen at creation, the value of the Extra_OU attribute for each record contains the key entity of the project as the root of the OU path; if a group was chosen instead, the memberOf attribute contains the key entity of the project that is equal to the group chosen at creation along with any other group memberships for each record.

If during project editing you change or remove the value of the key entity of a record, after storing in Active Directory the record will be removed from the document and will no longer belong to the project; on the contrary, all new users or groups that acquire the same value of the key entity are automatically included in the project.

Each time the project is opened, or the Update All command is executed, all items belonging to the key or target entity are retrieved or synchronized from Active Directory.

The key or target entity is visible in the title bar of the application or by hovering the mouse on the column header of the key attribute.

